Blue Night Live Wallpaper Pro v1.0.1
Requirements: 2.2 and up
This live wallpaper features a relaxing night scene, with dreamy blue
color tone, sparkling and shooting stars and tree silhouette.
This live wallpaper features a relaxing night scene, with dreamy blue
color tone, sparkling and shooting stars and tree silhouette.
Same as in the Sun Rise app: each morning and each night, a flock of
birds will fly out and form a greeting message, and you can touch to
chase them away.
Please try out the free version first. If you like the app, support us by buying this Pro version.
The Pro version has many extra features:
The moon can be set to indicate battery level (full, half,
crescent), or to show the moon in real life (calculated from the current
lunar time), or it can be set to always display a shape that you like
(full moon, half moon, crescent moon).