Scene group DOA released the latest update of Active DataStudio.
Description: Active@ Data Studio (Live CD) contains a
set of both desktop applications and a bootable image for booting up
any system into a DOS or Windows environment. Whether you need to
perform data recovery, data imaging, or to securely erase data, Active@
Data Studio allows you to run the utilities from within Windows or to
boot a system up from a self-contained boot environment.

Click on Read More for Download Links
- new! Latest: Active@ Disk Image 5.3, Active@ KillDisk 7.0, Active@ Disk Editor 2.1
- new! Now Boot Disk Creator can create password protected boot disks and can pre-configure Network Settings (Static IP, etc..)
- new! Boot Disk Utilities: Virtual Keyboard added; 3 Games added; FilePreview component added (for Partition & File Recovery)
- Dual-boot functionality (DOS + Windows)
- New Boot Disk Creator interface plus additional features
- Disk Defragmenter for files optimization
- New activation process does not require reinstallation
- File management — browse directories, search, copy and move files and folders
- Data CD/DVD burning for data backup and recovery purposes
- Additional driver loading on-the-fly, or from pre-configured directories
- Full access to non-bootable PC
- Network access via TCP/IP, network configurator is included
Download: HERE