Fourth Ray Software FRSLinkCheck v3.0.0-BEAN
Description: FRSGiftRegistry™ is a software
application for managing your retail store’s gift registries. A registry
is a document maintained by the store. It lists a person’s name, his or
her event date, and a collection of products that the person would like
to receive on or before that event. Such a person is typically referred
to as a “registrant”. A store may have its own type of gift registries,
but typical ones are for baby showers, bridal showers, house-warming
parties, or any other special occasion.

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- Tracks any number of gift registries, even multiple events.
- Easily generates printed reports for customers and owners.
- Simplifies data entry.
- Supports Registrant addresses from all over the world.
- Indirectly imports data from some external hand scanners.
- Optionally, reads product data from store’s database.
- Generates web pages from gift registries for store web site.
- Automatically updates web site, if so set up.
- Provides intuitive updating of purchased products for a registry.
- Thorough, easy-to-use online documentation.