Sweet Home 3D 3.2 Portable Free Download

Saturday, September 22, 2012 · Posted in

Sweet Home 3D 3.2 Portable

Sweet Home 3D is aimed at people who wants to design their interior quickly. The user may draw the walls of his rooms upon the image of an existing plan, change the color of the walls, draw dimensions, drag and drop furniture in the plan from a catalog organized by categories (living room, kitchen…), in which he can import 3D models created by himself or downloaded from different web sites, change the size, the orientation and the elevation of each piece of furniture with the mouse, view the changes in the plan simultaneously in the 3D view, either from an aerial view point, or from a virtual visitor view point, and print the home plan and the 3D view. Sweet Home 3D is available in English, French and Brazilian Portuguese.

Managed the printing of the plan on more than one page for big scales.
Added an icon beside the time spinner of the photo and video creation dialog boxes, to indicate whether the selected time is at day time or at night time.
Highlighted searched text in help pages.
Made new round walls symmetric.
Managed two round walls joined to each other.
Fixed various bugs in SunFlow library used as the photo rendering engine at the two best quality levels.
Fixed a bug that prevented from time to time to render correctly textures in photos, at print time and when a textured piece of furniture viewed from top was resized.
Fixed a bug that prevented some floors from being correctly displayed in a few rare cases.
Fixed a bug that didn't export rooms at OBJ format anymore.
Fixed a bug that prevented to read help files included in SH3L language plug-ins.
Fixed a bug that prevented to install SH3F, SH3T, SH3L and SH3P files by double-clicking on them under Mac OS X.
Fixed a bug that rendered fully opaque PNG textures as transparent in photos.
Fixed a bug in the management of the color and the texture of a group of pieces after an undo operation.
Added auto selection in text fields of color choosers.
Changed photo quality scale from 0 to 3 to 1 to 4.
Updated German and Bulgarian help files.
Added support for Windows 64 bits in the Online version and in the Sweet Home 3D and Furniture Library Editor executable JAR files.
Replaced JRE 6u22 by JRE 6u23 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.


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